Thank you for Investing in the
IBMGlobal Building Fund!
$121,143 remaining for the building to be paid in full
Wherever people are, IBM Global is bringing the good news of Jesus Christ.
Where We Go
IBMGlobal missionaries currently serve in Africa, South America, Europe, North America, and the South Pacific. IBMGlobal both accepts missionary candidates as well as facilitates/approves the opening of additional ministries in various countries.
Why we go
God burdens His people to seek the lost, care for the needy, and love the lonely. We are not called to isolate ourselves in comfort, rather we are called to go as lights to places where there is no light. IBMGlobal seeks to facilitate sending that light to the darkest corners of the world and establishing indigenous churches through the tools of evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training.
Will You go
Sending the Gospel around the world requires a coordinated effort by many churches and individuals. IBMGlobal desires to streamline the process by serving everyone involved. If you are interested in becoming an IBMGlobal missionary, click below to find out more about our acceptance process.