The Gospel

How it all began and how it will never end. The story that redeems all stories. 


A glimpse into the Muslim mindset of coastal Africa, and the church's responsibility to pray, learn, and engage.

Reflections from South Sudan.

Ministry Opportunity University of Juba, South Sudan.

Off the Grid - South Sudan

Sending Churches

We are honored to serve the local church as they send out missionaries around the world. God has entrustred the church with the privilege of sending workers into the harvest field and with that privilege comes the responsibility to care for those workers. A sending church plays a significant role in the care and support of the missionary as they process through deputation, labor on the field, and return for furlough.

As missionaries are spending on average between 36 and 48 months to raise support, the sending church holds the key to reducing the time spent raising support.

Here are several suggestions of ways you can provide practical support to your missionary:

  • PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! “God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil…” E.M. Bounds
  • Ensure your missionary receives the necessary training to equip him/her for future ministry.
  • Support missionaries sent from your local church substantially higher than those from outside your church.
  • Assist your missionary with their deputation planning & scheduling.
  • Provide for the following financial expenses:
    • Survey Trip
    • Candidate Orientation
    • Prayer Cards/Brochures/Stationery/Display Board/Projector/Professional DVD Presentation
    • Cell Phone Expense: One of the largest expenses for a missionary while on deputation!
  • Allow your missionary to be covered by staff insurance while on deputation. (This is huge since some mission agencies can only provide coverage once a missionary reaches their field of service.)
  • Provide a vehicle or vehicle maintenance program.
  • Maintaining a mortgage or rent payment while on deputation is almost always cost prohibitive for your missionary. Provide housing – this will help alleviate the financial stress associated with being on deputation full-time.
  • Subscribe your missionary to solid theological magazines; purchase books and CD’s to assist his ongoing spiritual development.
  • Maintain regular contact with your missionary while they are on deputation!