Our Philosophy


  • IBMGlobal exists to assist the local church in sending servant leaders to strategic fields of ministry. We seek to serve the missionaries’ commissioning church, as well as other partnering churches, by providing financial, logistical and administrative help to the missionary.

  • IBMGlobal believes God has given our generation the responsibility as well as the resources to win this generation to Jesus Christ. To that end, we are committed to starting indigenous church planting movements through the progression of evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training.

  • IBMGlobal believes cooperation, not competition, is to be expected and enjoyed with other Biblical mission agencies. As able, we are willing to share expertise, logistical support and resources as we seek the common goal of spreading the gospel around the globe.

  • IBMGlobal is dedicated to being Biblically balanced and scripturally separated. Although Biblical principles are non-negotiable, preferences are to remain preferences.

  • Because IBMGlobal is devoted to boldly proclaiming the gospel among every tribe, nation and tongue, creative and innovative means will be used to enter limited access countries. To this end, we are willing to ‘work outside the box’ of the ‘traditional mission’ paradigm.

Indigenous Principles

Purpose Statement

In accordance with Matthew 28:18-20, Indigenous Biblical Ministries Global (IBMGlobal) is committed to the New Testament philosophy of indigenous church planting through soul-winning, discipleship, Bible study, and the organization of churches that govern, support, and reproduce themselves.



  1. As the Gospel is universal, it will grow in any cultural soil and is not dependent upon American forms, structures, worship styles, leadership or financing in order to take root and grow.

  2. Churches must always be free, in Christ, to express their faith in ways that are faithful to the Bible and relevant to the cultural context.

  3. It is impossible for a church to obtain valid growth if captive to someone other than the Lord for its ultimate authority.

  4. Though the cross-cultural missionary may be used by God to begin a work, intentional efforts must be made to where God-called mature indigenous leaders are empowered to lead these ministries.

  5. The cross-cultural missionary may be led on to pioneer new work or in some instances adjust his role to encourage, edify and serve national leadership as ministries take shape under their guidance.

(The first three points are adapted from www.cpqa.org.)

Our Goals for an Indigenous Church Planting Movement

A. Indigenous Church – Of the people, by the people.

  • We minister to people in the means, manner and methods that communicate truth within the context of their culture (I Co. 9:19-23). This results in true worship and brings glory to God. (I Co. 10:31)

  • The parameters of the indigenous church are built upon the precepts of Scripture. We are bound to walk within the boundaries set forth in God’s Word (Is. 8:20). However, it is important to recognize we bring much tradition from our own culture. Cultural traditions must not be mistaken for “thus saith the Lord.” We must be flexible.

B. Self-Supporting Church

  • Though the missionary may initially provide funding to begin the church, the long-term goal is to wean the growing body of believers from financial assistance.

  • Attainable goals, that can be met by faith, need to be set for the congregation. (Ps 37:3-7)

  • Once financial responsibility has been taken by the church, the missionary must not take it back. In this way, the church body learns to trust God and sees the importance of obedience and personal involvement.

  • Don’t do for the church what they can do for themselves. (I Tim. 5:8: II Thes. 3:8-10)

  • Develop the ministry only to the degree the local assembly will be able to financially and capably handle. In the end, programs, building and equipment beyond the means of the mature assembly are counter-productive to the goal of a self-supporting church. It is important that we not establish that which will require continued missionary involvement.

C. Self-Governing Church

  • The church is ever-increasingly brought into the decision making process. As spiritual leadership is developed, they should be consulted and in appropriate matters asked for advice. (Acts 6:1-6)

  • The Pastor is to lead in decisions concerning doctrine, practice and spiritual direction. The church must approve matters of doctrine. (Acts 15:22-27)
    All matters of financial expenditures from money given by the body must be decided upon by membership. (I Cor. 16:3)

  • The church, under the leadership of the pastor, has the responsibility to elect deacons with a heart to serve. (Acts 6:1-6)

  • The church must be taught to take responsibility and to deal with discipline problems within the body in accordance to biblical guidelines and mandates. (Matt. 18:15-18) After the church has been established and turned over to national leadership, never, under any circumstance does the missionary have the right or authority to force his will in a matter. When called upon, he may offer advice and counsel. (See the spirit of I Cor. 5; II Cor. 2; II Cor. 6:11-13.) Ownership of facilities and equipment are the responsibility and privilege of the self-governed church. (I Cor. 16:3; Acts 2:44)

D. Self-Propagating Church

  • A living organism will by its very nature reproduce itself.

  • While missionaries are still involved in this process, extreme care must be taken to allow the trained, qualified leadership within the assembly to minister, be involved in decisions, and assume financial responsibility of the new work.

  • Special care must be taken to not do for the infant church what they can do themselves. To do so would be counter-productive to the stated goal, discourage participation and make it appear the ministry is a missionary effort instead of an offspring of the mature ministry. (I Thes. 2:1-13)

  • The missionary has the responsibility to assist where needed, provide direction and organization and use the new work as a vehicle for leadership development, training and ministry experience.


 Foundational Financial Principles

  1. We will look to God in prayer for the needs of our Mission. God is the One we trust to provide for this ministry and for the needs of the missionaries who serve with us. We will communicate genuine needs with prayer supporters and local churches but we reject any form of manipulation to garner funding. We will pray and trust God who has promised to provide for His work, we will trust Him to move others to give.

  2. We will not go into debt to expand our ministry. We believe that God has a purpose for this ministry and that He can and will provide for expansion and development according to His will. We will not incur debt to further the work.

  3. We will remember that a laborer is worthy of his hire. We seek to demonstrate that God is able and willing to provide for His servants. We will therefore pay our mission in the USA and staff in other countries in a way that honors them and reflects the value of their service for God. This will not be done in a way that lends itself to luxury or excess, but with a sensitivity to maintain a standard of living that reflects those who are giving to this ministry.




Missionary Support Plan

Financial support differs based upon geography as well as the needs of the missionary family. Support needs will be evaluated regularly to ensure the missionary is appropriately supported. The Director, in conjunction with the missionary’s commissioning church, determines the appropriate level of support necessary for each ministry. Each missionary is responsible for raising and sustaining their support level.

The support level covers (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Personal Expenses (Food, Transportation, Clothing, Education, Etc.)

  • Housing

  • Ministry Expenses

  • Conference Costs (Periodic Field or Area Conferences)

  • Travel expenses (Reporting and Recruiting)

  • Income Taxes

  • Medical Insurance

  • Schooling for Children

  • Retirement

  • Administrative Service Fees *

Should a missionary receive support in excess of their monthly salary, those funds will be held in an escrow account for those months where their support is not fully achieved or for a particular ministry need.

Each IBMGlobal missionary is encouraged to provide for retirement. Retirement planning will be provided for those who wish to participate.

* Funding for IBMGlobal is achieved through local churches and individual donors who sacrificially give to support the IBMGlobal's vision as well as from the administrative service fees charged to the missionary. The personal support of missionaries are charged an administrative fee of 10%. Approved special projects (such as building projects) are charged a rate of 5%.


Creative Access Nations

“(The rulers, elders and teachers of the law) called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.” – Acts 4:18

There are countries where it is not possible for an expatriate (or foreign) missionary to get a visa. There are countries where church activities are greatly restricted and some countries where open evangelism by Christians is completely prohibited. Churches in areas where they have to meet in secret are sometimes referred to as Underground Churches. Some people have been tempted to think these countries – many of which have Islamic governments – are unreachable. While fulfilling the Great Commission in those countries can be challenging, it is not impossible. Closed to missionaries does not mean closed to the gospel, and that’s where the phrase “creative access” is utilized. Because the Good News spreads most easily through relationships, there are opportunities for evangelism in even the most difficult of circumstances. Relationships in which the gospel can be shared are developed through:

  • Students from those countries who study in another country

  • Christian business people whose job has taken them to those countries

  • Teachers whose particular specialty is in demand in those countries

  • Christian students who go to those countries to study

  • Tourists who develop contacts during brief trips to those countries

  • Internet contacts

  • Literature

  • Christian workers imported from third-world countries to provide service labor

  • Christian radio and television broadcasting from nearby countries

Article adapted by Howard Culbertson. For more content like this, visit: http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert