One mistake church planters make is not incorporating a comprehensive approach to discipleship from day 1 of the new church plant.
Practical Suggestion for Ministry Connections
Missions: Dare I Use The Word ‘Cooperate’?
Giving Online
In an effort to provide the highest level of financial service, IBMGlobal now has the ability to process pre-authorized ‘automated giving’ - either through EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or through recurring credit card transactions. To get started, simply click on this link and follow the instructions to register. Registering online will give you the ability to manage your online donations and access your gift history.
Lambs Among Wolves
A full moon rises over the cane fields around Sangla Hill, and in the twilight a minaret looks like a stake driven through the heart of this city. Three hundred Christian families live here, and not one of them feels safe tonight. My mind is swirling with all I’ve seen today – charred crosses, churches and homes gutted by fire, the cries of children, and the pleas of their parents for someone to protect them.
Prayer For the Persecuted
An unexpected knock interrupted the house church meeting. The believers inside, still grieving over the death of one of their leaders, had been on their knees into the night praying for the release from prison of another one of their pastors. Then came a knock at the door in the dead of night. Was it the police, or just a stranger who had lost his way and saw a light in the window?
What Acts 1:8 Really Means
If this new thing called “the church” is going to take over the world with the Gospel, the Holy Spirit isn’t going to do the same thing He did in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament it was “Come and see.” “Come, Naaman. Come, Queen of Sheba. Come to Israel where god’s Spirit-filled priests are ministering in God’s temple.” But Jesus inaugurated the new age of Holy Spirit power. It’s no longer “Come and see,” but “Go and tell.” Every city becomes the holy city; every people becomes the chosen people; every church and every believer become the holy temple.
Hesitations About Joining A Mission Board
Called To Return Home
A Challenge To The Next Generation
God intends every one of us to be engaged in His Great Mission - My intention is not to put you on a guilt trip - some of you will prayerfully re-evaluate your life and come away with a clear affirmation that you are right where you should be, pursuing what God has for your life. If God has blessed you with a good job, given you a purpose and a place in His plan - Rejoice! I pray that for you God will press upon you your responsibility to sacrificially give and aggressively pray for the evangelization of the world in our generation.
Making Disciples By Planting Churches
Richard Coekin in a brilliant article entitled Making Disciples By Planting suggests the following four things regarding the “all” statements in the Great Commission. We have copied a few excerpts below and hope that it will encourage you to read the whole article. Coekin writes: …given that making disciples is the heart of the Great Commission, the four great universals—the ‘alls’ that dominate Jesus’ words—have a direct effect upon how we plant churches to make disciples.
The Need for Theological Education in the Global South
The following statistics provide a snapshot of the underlying reality of the Christianity sweeping through what is being called the “Global South.” Eighty-five percent of churches in the world are led by men and women who have no formal training in theology or ministry. If every Christian training institute in the world operated at 120 percent capacity, less than 10 percent of the unequipped leaders would be trained. Eight out of ten nationals who come to the west to receive training never return home. Leaders from every non-Western region say their number one need is leadership training.
Passing The Baton: Handing A Church Plant To Timothy
Video: He Wrote My Name
A God-Exalting Ambition
A Needed Discussion: Answering Objections to Long-Term Missions
We recently read a post by Ben Stevens over at the Gospel Coalition Blog. This article articulates answers to the objections that are often raised about long-term missions. Of particular interest are his comments on objection #5 "It Is Much More Effective To Just Fund Nationals." Stevens writes, "Anyone who cares about God’s mission to the nations should be interested to address the ideas being used to deconstruct 20 centuries of missionary precedent. So let me briefly introduce the most popular objections and offer an alternative way of looking at each of them."
VIDEO: Off The Grid: South Sudan
IBMGlobal partnered with to shoot a documentary recording the spiritual need and opportunities for the gospel in South Sudan. On January 9, 2011 a vote for the independence of South Sudan was held with 98% voting in favor. On July 9, 2011 South Sudan became the newest country in the world and the 54th country on the continent of Africa. Learn about the exciting ministry opportunities in S. Sudan...