Sara Hile



Sara Hile has been in ministry as a missionary or a pastor’s wife for 30 years. She and her  husband met through a summer’s missions trip to South Africa. After marriage they joined the  Durban, South Africa, team from 1994-2012. Sara served along side her husband, Bobby, in  various churches throughout the greater Durban area.  

In 2012, the Hiles with their 3 teen/preteen children transitioned back to the States where  Bobby took a senior pastor position in a supporting church in Springfield, Ohio. After nine  years, they moved to work in their previous mission sending agency. In April of 2023, Bobby  took another senior pastor position in Van Wert, Ohio, where they are currently living. 

Bobby and Sara have 3 adult children who are all married and live in Springfield, Ohio, Boston,  Massachusetts, and Salt Lake City, Utah. They enjoy being grandparents to 5 grandchildren.  

Sara’s desire is to use her counseling to invest in missionary longevity. As a previous  missionary and current pastor’s wife and ministry worker, Sara understands the unique stresses  of living overseas and of full-time ministry.  

Sara will be working with the member care team to provide care as needed for the IBMGlobal  family.  

Thank you for your support of teaming with Sara to invest in the lives missionaries and their  families.